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One can read the whole Bible in a year by reading less than 12 minutes a day. You can start by reading 2 chapters from the Old Testament in the morning and 2 chapters from the New Testament at night. By reading 3-4 chapters a day you will read the Bible in one year, and reading 4 chapters a day will get you through the Bible in 11 months. Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will." If we don't read the Word daily we will be deceived by the voices of the enemy coming our way trying to take us out of the Lord's will. By reading the Bible daily we can learn about who God is, about His character, and we will be equipped to discern all voices. Thoughts that may try to come our way could include torment, confusion, stress, worry, frustration,  discouragement, or threatening thoughts to bring you down and make you feel defeated. The enemy will also accuse or convict you falsely. These false convictions may come as constant thoughts or reminders of past sins you committed when you were in the world. When these thoughts come our way we must cast them down immediately and fill our minds with the Word of God. It's important to understand who we are in Christ. When we decide to follow Jesus we are a new creature and He no longer sees us as sinners. 

Calm Woman



Memorize your favourite Bible verse from any of the chapters you read that day. Meditate on it throughout the day, while at work or school, to help your mind stay fixed on the Lord. Fill up all your time and your mind with the things of the Lord, with things of above and not of this earth. Philippians 4:8 says, "Brothers, and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." By leaving your spirit empty you allow the enemy to place thoughts in your mind and to plant his satanic seeds within you. Memorizing God's Word and meditating on it as often as possible will help you focus of the Lord's presence and align your mind with His will. Listening to sermons or worship music throughout the day will also help fill your spirit with eternal vibrations of the Lord and refill you with His Holy Spirit. If you can't listen to worship songs at work, you may want to try to memorize a part of your favourite song and sing throughout the day to help you be in the Lord's presence continuously. 



Make it your goal to share the gospel with someone new every week. You can tell them about Christ's love at work, school, or anywhere that Lord has placed you in this season. Tell them about the love of Christ and what He has done for you. How he transformed your life and changed the desires of your heart. Try to relate to them as best you can. In 1 Corinthians 9: 19-23, Paul states that he became all things to all people so that he might save as many souls as possible. Ask them if they need help with anything that week and try to assist them and meet their needs as best as possible. Ask them if they need prayer and lead them into the sinners prayer, if they are willing. Keep them in your prayers throughout your week. The Lord will start to work in their lives through your prayers and start to change their heart slowly. Always remember that the Lord is always working even when you don't see any immediate, obvious changes. Some souls may need months or years of intercession before they acknowledge that they need Jesus and desire to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. 




May we always ask the lord to incline our hearts and minds to give to all who are in need. we can share the love of christ monthly, or as often as possible, by buying a meal for anyone who is in need. we can offer to buy a meal for the homeless or anyone that we see is in need. giving out a gospel tract along with their meal is a good way to share the love of christ. share your testimony with them, tell them about the freedom that's found in christ alone, and offer to pray for them.



start writing down your prayer requests in a notebook. Pray and plead with the Lord doe each request. once he answers, turn back and praise him and mark it down as an answered prayer. matthew 7:7 says, "ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." god is waiting on us to ask anything accoridng to his will, and he will bless us and give us the desires of our heart. this will strengthen our relationship with god and will build trust. prayer is the union between the believer's thoughts and god's will. the enemy will try to place doubt in your mind by making you focus on the unanswered prayers. writing down your prayers will increase your faith, a hundredtfold and will help you start focusing on how far the lord has taken you. the enemy will try to resist and hinder the move of the holy spirit within you, to keep you from moving forward. directing our energy and focus on all the blessings in life and focusing on the positives will help us move forward and will help us get closer to our purpose and destiny. dwelling on unanswered prayers will hinder, stop, or delay the move of the holy spiri, and will keep us from being shaped according to God's will. 

Open Book



start writing down your prayer requests in a notebook. Pray and plead with the Lord doe each request. once he answers, turn back and praise him and mark it down as an answered prayer. matthew 7:7 says, "ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." god is waiting on us to ask anything accoridng to his wil, and he will bless us and give us the desires of our heart. this will strengthen our relationship with god and will build trust. prayer is the union between the believer's thoughts and god's will. the enemy will try to place doubt in your mind by making you focus on the unanswered prayers. writing down your prayers will increase your faith, a hundredtfold and will help you start focusing on how far the lord has taken you. the enemy will try to resist and hinder the move of the holy spirit within you, to keep you from moving forward. directing our energy and focus on all the blessings in life and focusing on the positives will help us move forward and will help us get closer to our purpose and destiny. dwelling on unanswered prayers will hinder, stop, or delay the move of the holy spiri, and will keep us from being shaped according to God's will. 

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