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Satan's Secret

Updated: May 26, 2021

Satan wants to take you away from your prayer closet because he knows the only way you'll ever be effective is if you know God intimately. Souls are often won in the secret prayer closet, even before approaching anyone. Leonard Ravenhill states in his book, "that victory is not won in the pulpit by firing intellectual bullets or wisecracks, but in the prayer closet. It is won or lost before the preacher's foot enters the pulpit." Your prayer closer can be anywhere you spend time alone with God and seek His face. If we don't spend time alone with the Creator, you'll find that your spiritual strength will diminish and you'll be too weak to do His work. Spiritual strength must first be gained in prayer before one may be qualified to do the Lord's work. Without this one weapon, you'll be defeated. A continual refilling of the Holy Spirit is necessary to be successful on the battle field and do damage to the enemy's kingdom. It's also necessary to make it to the finish line, as Jesus described in Matthew 25:1-13. In this parable, the five foolish virgins didn't have enough oil in their lamps to light the way to the wedding banquet, so they were left behind. This oil represents the refilling of the Holy Spirit. God can refill us with His Spirit every time we spend time in His presence.

Different Measures of the Spirit

The Bible points to the fact that you can be filled with the Spirit to a different measure. In John 3:34, it says "God gives [Jesus] the Spirit without limit. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God, so He had the Spirit without limit. But in the case of Elijah and Elisha, in 2 Kings, God talks about a different measure of His Spirit. Before Elijah is taken into heaven, Elisha asks for a double potion on Elijah's Spirit. After he receives this, Elisha is able to do ever greater miracles, signs, and wonders than Elijah ever did in his lifetime. Spending time alone with our Lord will give us the power we need spiritually to stand against all plans of the enemy, be effective in His kingdom, and win many souls for God. In prayer God equips us with everything we need to do His will.

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