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Learn to Speak His Name Over Your Circumstance

Updated: May 18, 2021

No other name possesses as much power as the name of Jesus. His name alone has power to uproot and dismantle, restore, and heal the heart. Souls often get weary and burdened as they travel on the path of life. But Jesus can strengthen you and fill your heart with peace today. Our Saviour calls everyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see, back to Him. He wants to restore the relationship that was once lost. Romans 5:12 says, "When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned." Our sinful nature, or tendency to sin, is evidence of the fact that sin spreads from generation to generation. But He desires to draw you back to Him today through His Son Jesus.

Self-deliverance can be the first step in finding more fulfillment and joy in your life. You can set yourself free today, as stated in Proverbs 6:5:

"Free yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler."

Identify the Stumbling Block In Your Path

Sin is the stumbling block in ones' life. If this stumbling block is not removed it will soon lead to death. Removing everything that hinders our walk with the Lord simply means to start asking the Lord for forgiveness for all of our sins. We can begin to name every single sin individually that has us bound and we can give it to the Lord. God can finally start to work in our lives and perform miracles once we let go of our sins and leave our problems at the foot of the cross.

Uproot and Dismantle In the Name Of Jesus

The enemy has indoctrinated you and planted satanic seeds within your being since childhood. These indoctrinations have become a part of your subconsciousness and shaped you to become the person you are today. You can be released by renouncing, or naming anything that has you bound. Release it from within your heart by speaking it out loud and letting go of it through faith. These may include:

  • jealousy, envy, strife

  • resentment, revenge, murder

  • heaviness, depression, suicide, blocked emotion

  • grief, hopelessness, anxiety, despair

  • loneliness, disappointment, stress

  • rebellion, stubbornness

  • witchcraft, manipulation, control

  • self-will, self-righteousness, selfishness

  • harassment, nightmares

  • retardation, schizophrenia, dipolar disease

  • rape, sexual abuse, ungodly soul ties

  • self-rejection, rejection in the womb

  • lust, pornography, perversion, fantasies

  • fear of man and fear of death

Ask the Lord to release you from anything else that may have you enslaved. John 8:36 says, "...if the Son sets you free, you'll be free indeed."

Your Double Portion In the Name Of Jesus

Restore everything the cankerworms and locust have stolen from you. Satan's goal is to have you bound to keep you away form the blessings Christ has in store for you. You may not even be aware of the fact that Satan stole from you in the past. He may have stolen your time, joy, energy, or even someone God wanted to bless your life with. You can take back what the enemy stole from you today by declaring these blessings over your life today. After removing those things that had you bound you can now replace it with a blessing or declaration, to fill that empty void inside of you, where the satanic seed used to be.

  • I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, in the name of Jesus

  • I cover my mind, heart, and body in the blood of Jesus

  • I declare the works of the Lord in my life today and forevermore, in the name of Jesus

  • I am born again by Your Spirit and I'm Your child,

  • I dip myself, home, and family in the blood of Jesus

  • Lord, I thank you that my name is written in the Book of Life in heaven

  • I accept your perfect plan for my life for the future, in the name of Jesus

  • God, may Your perfect plan for my life alone prosper, let the plan of the enemy against my life be shattered in the spirit realm, never to rise up again, in the name of Jesus

  • I will not entertain or believe the lies of the enemy, I declare that I shall live and not die, in the name of Jesus

  • I declare that Your plan alone for my life will prosper, let all other plans fail and be cancelled, in the name of Jesus Heal In the Name Of Jesus

  • I thank you for my life. Thank you that you loved me before I was born and set me apart, as Jeremiah 1:5 states

Binding Up the Wounds Of the Broken

The Lord promises to heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. He desires all His children to run into His arms when faced with problems or uncertainties in life. The Lord can start the healing process once we believe and understand that He loved us so much to send His only begotten Son to die in our place. It is only through Him that we'll be completely set free and satisfied. After renouncing everything that had you enslaved, and declaring God's promises over your life, one can see Jesus more clearly and His Spirit can start drawing you closer to Him.

In Romans 5:18-19 it says, "Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous."

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