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I Don't Believe In Fear

Fear has lost its grip on me since the Lord came into the life and delivered me. Satan only attacks us with fear because he knows, he himself, cannot be saved anymore. He has always been jealous of our relationship with God from the time of creation. He is aware that his time is almost up and wants to drag as many people to hell with him as possible. Everything apart from the Lord is a delusion from the enemy and will never satisfy us. You can be made right with the Lord in your heart today and be confident that your name is written in the Book of Life. The Lord desires for all to run into His arms today, and be saved. In 1 Timothy 2:4, He says, "[He] wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Fear Of Man

The Lord has the power to anoint anyone He chooses and to bring low anyone who may need to be humbled. In 1 Samuel 10:1, "Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it on Saul's head and kissed him, saying, 'Has not the LORD anointed you ruler over his inheritance?'" Shortly after, Saul lost his anointing due to his disobedience. The Lord commanded Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites because they were a sinful nation that refused to come to repentance and always lead God's people into sin. Saul kept some of the plunder in order to sacrifice to the Lord, and also did not completely destroy the Amalekites as commanded by the Lord. He didn't kill their king, Agag. When Saul confesses to Samuel as of why he didn't completely obey the Lord, he explains that "[he] was afraid of the men so [he] gave in to them." We must live to please God rather than man. Our reward and satisfaction comes from Him alone. The Bible explains how Saul missed out on his blessings due to fear of man. May he serve as an example for us today so we won't fall into the same trap he did.

Fear Of Death

Fear of death is the strongest form of fear one can be enslaved to. If we are not quickly released form this bondage it will soon destroy our life by keeping us away from our purpose and destiny. Complete deliverance from fear can be found in Christ alone. This can be accomplished by believing in Jesus as the Son of God and understanding that He died for all to be saved. The moment you believe in the finished work of the cross, is the instant you're saved. Our Saviour's love is different than that of all other gods because He already paid it all for you. In John 19:30, when Our Saviour died on the cross, He said, "it is finished." This means that even if you don't feel saved, but believe that Christ died for your sins in your place, your salvation is sure, and secure. We must also realize that we have broken God's law and that we are a sinner. Asking the Lord to replace our own desires with His desires and plans for our life, can help us come to repentance. After coming to the knowledge of the truth and repenting, the sanctification process will start. This process starts after one is saved. It simply means that the Lord will cleanse you of everything that is not of Him. We will become more and more like Christ as we continue to abide in Him. Reading God's Word, praying, and singing songs of praise will speed up the sanctification process while drawing us closer to Him.

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