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How Long Will My Fight Last?

Updated: May 31, 2021

When God allows suffering, it is almost always for the purpose of purifying us. James reminds us of Job's perseverance, in chapter five of his book, which states "...we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." The concept of perseverance is taught throughout the Bible. It simply means enduring through your trials and tribulations until you get a breakthrough, and your test has ended. Or it could symbolize the end of the race, and seeing Jesus face to face. The epistle of 2 Timothy was the last letter written by Paul to Timothy. In this letter he states "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." May we all continue to keep the faith until the end, and just like Paul, be able to say that we've ran the race and not been defeated by the enemy.

Run With Endurance

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, which says,"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind, and God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear," the Lord promises us that He will never give us more than we can bear or resist. Winning the race in the mind first, is the secret to success. It must first be won in the mind before it becomes a reality in the physical realm. The race can be won in the mind by understanding and believing that God loves us and we are saved by His blood alone. The battle is always in the mind. You've already won or already lost in your mind. Once we become convinced of how much God loves us and longs a personal relationship with every one of His children, we can understand the authority we have in Christ. This authority will help us persevere and run the race with the endurance God desires us to run with. The battle is only in the mind.

Fighting the Enemy In the Mind

Fighting the enemy in our mind everyday will lead us a step closer to success and to the finish line. Satan will often attacks us with throughs of unworthiness, condemnation, or by bringing up past sins that we've committed against God. The Bible warns us about this in John 10:10, which says, "[Satan] comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; but [Jesus] came that you may have life and have it more abundantly." When we find that our thoughts condemn us for a past sin that we've already repented of before God, this is always the enemy trying to make us feel unworthy and unforgiven. The enemy knows that once a believer becomes convinced of this lie, that God hasn't forgiven them or doesn't love them, he has them trapped and they're unable to advance in their walk with the Lord. In 2 Samuel 12:13, Nathan the prophet comes and rebukes king David for adultery and murder. The Lord was going to punish David, but he immediately repented. In that instant God forgave him. In the same way God will always forgive all who sincerely ask for forgiveness, the moment they plead with Him.

When these thoughts of condemnation or disappointment come our way we must automatically cast them down. We can speak to the thoughts that come our way that aren't of God. Bind and curse the thoughts at the root first, then speak the blessings and truths of God over your life.

Bind and curse the lies of the enemy by repeating these phrases below out loud through faith:

  • I bind up all thoughts of unworthiness, heaviness, and depression in the name of Jesus and destroy them by the blood of the Lamb, may they never rise up again

  • I bind up the spirit of condemnation in the name of Jesus, and send you back into the abyss

  • I destroy and curse at the root all satanic attacks against me that are trying to stop me from growing in Christ, in the name of Jesus

  • I speak by the authority and power of the Holy Spirit. Let the work of every witch and warlock that has infiltrated my mind be turned back on their own heads, until they repent, in the name of Jesus Christ

  • I bind up and rebuke any lying, seducing or deceiving spirit that is trying to attack me. I send them back into the abyss, in the name of Jesus

  • I renounce and uproot out of my heart hatred, anger, resentment, bitterness and envy. Release me now in the name of Jesus.

  • I curse at the root every false word of prophecy spoken over my life and my family, in the name of Jesus

  • I destroy all demonic activity and every demonic thought that has been opened in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ

  • All demonic weaknesses coming against me in the mind, has no part in me, in the name of Jesus

Release the blessings of God upon your life:

  • I declare that I shall live and not die, in the name of Jesus

  • I speak Psalm 91 over my life and my family, in the name of Jesus

  • I cover my family, my marriage, my ministry, and myself in the blood of Jesus

  • Thank you for your blessings and promises for my life

  • I know that you have a plan for my life that will prevail

  • I am the head and not the tail, in the name of Jesus

  • I declare the blessings from Deuteronomy 28 over my life, in Jesus name

  • Satan, I remind you I'm not the old person, I'm a new creation in Christ

  • Today, I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places

  • Lord, surround my family and I with a wall of fire from Zechariah 2:5, in the name of Jesus

For some believers it may be necessary to declare and remind themselves everyday of God's promises and blessings. Some believers get attacked more often than others, depending on how effective Satan sees them as. If a believer's prayers are doing a lot of damage to Satan's kingdom, then he will attack them more than others. These attacks should only draw us closer to the Lord and encourage us to persevere. First Peter 4:12-13 says,"Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. Buy rejoice as you participate in the suffering of Christ, so that you may also share in His glory and be overjoyed."

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